odoo integration with VOIP

Odoo Integration

Odoo Integration – Chances are slim and it is highly unlikely that you will have never experienced the need for a better communications system if you are in a profession where you have to make and receive hundreds of calls a day, isn’t it ? Your concern is legitimate and good news is that with CloudAgent (a cloud-based contact seller), you can handle inbound, outbound, and blended communications with incredible ease.

The platform is armed with astonishing basic and advanced contact center capabilities including multi-channel ACD that will allow you to engage, interact and kick off communications via voice, email, socail media and SMS. Other functionalities include:

  • IVR functions
  • Outbound dialer
  • Skill-based routing
  • Intelligent universal call queueing
  • Quality monitoring tools for supervisors.

Odoo Integration with VOIP (Cloudagent)

Cloudagent provides multiple services for integration with a third party application. These integration points help the agent to smoothly access the calls and work on leads / helpdesk tickets without working on multiple platforms. With the help of odoo integration, we can automate the entire process of handling leads/tickets.


    Odoo Integration with VOIP (Cloudagent)

    Odoo Integration with VOIP provides a new call button against the mobile number in both the leads and partner pages. With this, the logged in agent can directly press the call button and initiate the call. This helps in cutting down the time of manually dialing the calls. It also reduces the chances of human error.

    Whenever the lead is created either manually or automatically (with the help of our other integrations), the phone number is stored for every lead. The call center executive can press the call button and directly raise the call.

    Disposing Call and Lead

    Any call made in Cloudagent has to be disposed properly before making another call. The disposition records the status of the call. On the other hand, every lead’s status has to be updated. Unless a call center executive updates the status of the lead, it can not be properly analysed. This means that an agent has to update on the same call at two places.

    With the help of integrating Odoo and Cloudagent, a single window is provided to dispose both the call and update the lead. This increases the efficiency of the agent and increases the turn around time. With the help of this, an agent can attend more call in the same time frame.

    Handling Inbound Call on Existing Leads

    Every call center executive or an helpdesk executive has to attend the incoming call. If the client already exists in database, then the executive has to search for the records in the database and then only that executive is able to communicate with the customer on line. This wastes precious time of both the customer and agent.

    Once the systems are integrated, then we can directly open the lead in front of the agent even before the call is picked up. This helps the agent to mentally prepare himself before picking the call. An agent saying “Hello Mr. ABC, How can be of your help?” brings more confidence to the customer instead of saying “Hello! How can I help you?”. This also increases the efficiency of the agent as he does not have to copy the mobile number from the cloudagent portal and then perform a search operation on it.

    Handling Inbound Calls for New Leads / Managing Call Based Campaigns

    With the help of Cloudagent DID numbers, an organisation can run its different campaigns. These campaigns can be run on Click to Call campaigns (provided by Google Search Engine for mobile platforms), or a Print campaign in a newspaper. Every campaign is then backtracked to a different team. These teams are based on Service Offerings, Geographical Locations, Language, etc. Every incoming call is linked to a campaign and it is routed to a different team. Then the agent available to take the call is assigned this call.

    When the call is assigned to an agent, then agent is notified that an incoming call from an unregistered number is coming in. In background, a new lead with the given mobile number, geographical location, service offering, campaign name and other details is created in the CRM. This Lead is then assigned to the same agent to whom the call has been assigned. The agent is then able to open the lead in that instant and provide the proper solution. In case the agent is not able to pick the call, and the call is re-assigned to a different agent, then the lead also gets assigned to the new agent.

    This automated system reduces the workload of the agent and makes the lead management easy to handle. Agent doesn’t have to copy each piece of information from his notes to the CRM manually and he gets the lead form directly in front of him in the instant of the call. This increases the overall efficiency of the team. It also reduces the workload of the supervisor where it has to manually assign the call to each agent in case the call gets transferred.

    Outbound Calls – Progressive Dialing

    Progressive dialing is the an extended feature on the top of outbound call provided by the Cloudagent where a list of the phone numbers are provided to the cloudagent and it makes an automated outbound call connecting the agent and the customer.

    When the list of phone numbers is provided to the cloudagent on a particular outbound call campaign, it creates an automated job. Each number is picked up in a sequential manner and the agent available in the team is dialed. Once the agent picks the call, the call is then dialed to the customer. This way, the outbound calls are scheduled in a sequential manner.

    When integrated with Odoo, there are two steps that are taken care of. First, for every lead, that is not created through an Inbound Call and is created in the Odoo, the phone number is taken and is send to the Progressive Dialer for enqueue. Progressive Dialer enqueues this lead in the manner that is configured (Dial latest lead first or First In First Out). Second, when the number is dialed and is assigned to the agent, the agent gets the pop up on its CRM screen displaying the lead that is linked with the mobile number. Once the agent clicks the popup, the lead is displayed to him. In case he misses the call and the call is re-assigned to a new agent, the lead is also transferred.

    The benefit of this whole system can be taken from the fact that one of our client reported 400% increase in revenues after the implementation of it within a span of 3 months. The average call time of the agents increased from 1.5 hours/day to 3.75 hours/day (Agents were also making booking, handling appointments, and doing other related work). The quick response to the customers who have entered their details on any social media platform (link to Facebook Integration page) increased the overall customer satisfaction in terms of quick response. One of the team which has only 15 minutes to convert a lead into sales before loosing it to the competitors, such a system provided high value and increase in turn over.

    Missed Call Integration

    Missed Call services can be frequently seen. From getting the PNR details to ordering a new channel on the Direct-to-Home TV service, Missed Calls can be used in the manner an organisation wants to add the value to its list of services provided to its customer. Missed call service provided by Cloudagent is one such helpful service. With the help of Missed Call services, multiple services were created for our clients based on their requirements.

    One such requirement was to renew an order. Once the missed call was received from the Mobile number already registered in Odoo, the last Sale Order was searched and a new order was created. A confirmation message was also sent to the customer. For the end customer, it would start from the Missed Call and end with receiving the SMS even before he could keep his Mobile Phone back to his pocket. This resulted in higher sales turn and increase in repeat Sale Order. It reduced the dependencies on the Sales Team to renew the orders and they were able to focus on the new prospective customer and thereby increasing the overall revenue.

    The scope of implementation of Missed Call based services is very wide. It can be implemented in the most unique ways to provide value added services to the end customers. This helps in increasing the over call customer satisfaction.

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