erp for educational institutions

Introduction – ERP for educational institutions

Apagen’s erp for educational institutions aims to simplify, accelerate, organize and coordinate the daily processes that are a part of any school’s functioning. It is exceptionally efficient, secure, systematic and very user-friendly also easy to use. It will interface, gather, incorporate and decipher data from various divisions and oversee capacities and procedures over your school at central point, to empower successful decision making.

It decreases paper processes and is equipped for taking care of organization, foundation and logistics of any school. It enables you to share, search and store data effectively and securely, which spares time and cash while expanding productivity and effectiveness. You can select the features best suited to your requirements and budget and move ahead.

Key Challenges without ERP for educational institutions

  • Integrate all school administration functions in a unified interface
  • Ability to provide students, parents & staff transparency in terms of day-to-day activities
  • Creating modern technology-based learning models for new age education system
  • Provide new learning methods, tools to make learning fun and easier.
  • Optimizing current processes to achieve growth and profitability


    Information Systems

    • Student Information
    • Faculty Information
    • Learning Management
    • Portals


    • Scheduling
    • Exam Management
    • Attendance Management
    • Hostel Management
    • Transport Management
    • Library Management

    Finance & Accounting

    • Fees Management
    • Receivables & Payables
    • Fixed Assets
    • Bank & Cash
    • Budgeting & Forecasting
    • Management Accounting
    • Bookkeeping & Closure
    • Consolidation & Reporting

    Human Resources

    • Workforce Management
    • Recruitment
    • Talent Management
    • Employee Development
    • Payroll & Benefits

    Our Solution for Information Systems

    Student Information System

    • Maintain & track records of student right from admission to exit to alumni relations.
    • Real-time link of student records with his attendance, fees, discipline, exams, etc.

    Faculty Information System

    • Maintain & track records of faculty right from joining to exit to alumni relations.
    • Real-time link of faculty records with his attendance, payroll, skillsets, performance, etc.

    Learning Management

    • Provide educational material in electronic formats available on demand
    • Manage assignment creation & submission online
    • Upload new content or update current content in few clicks


    • Provides parents to see their ward’s performance at will like attendance, exam results, etc.
    • Students can access their information, check attendances, submit assignments, access e-learning modules.

    Our Solution for Operations


    • Create Schedules for various courses based on hours to teach and duration course period.
    • Fixed schedules auto-generates schedules for faculties linked with subjects to be taught for various courses.
    • Add Calendar for events, holidays, exams and other key dates in the system.

    Examination Management

    • Create Products with detailed attributes for easy planning and allocation.
    • Group products under different product categories for effective analysis and control.
    • Achieve end-to-end real time visibility by create multi-location warehouses

    Attendance & Leaves

    • Generate Student Attendance via a simple interface within minutes
    • Record absentees for every class and generate attendance in real-time by class, day, batch, course, etc.
    • Faculty attendance can be record by biometric machine integration

    Hostel Management

    • Create multiple types of rooms and facilities along with fees structure.
    • Process Hostel registration process for students in few clicks after confirmed admission along with payment of fees.
    • Visibility of room availability along with reports for pending fee payment.

    Transport Management

    • Create multiple vehicles, routes, drop points and schedules for transport.
    • Process transport registration process for students in after confirmed admission on designated routes

    Library Management

    • Manage master data with books, authors, publications and other learning material.
    • Create Library Cards for students, faculties & other staff
    • Manage issue/return of books, collection of fines and report generation

    Our Solution for Finance

    Receivables & Payables

    • Ability to view open receivables & payables based on period & partners in one click
    • Process payments with manual or automatic reconciliations with ease
    • Manage automated payment follow-ups for your customers
    • Handle payments in multiple currency with currency exchange rates

    Fixed Assets

    • Record purchase and maintain data of new assets with asset depreciation methods.
    • Automated depreciation of pre-defined dates along with generated ledger entries
    • Monitor depreciation over a period by asset or asset categories.

    Bank & Cash

    • Maintain liquidity for business operations.

    Budgeting & Forecasting

    • Ability to define budgets by company, department or cost centers
    • Create checkpoints for budget check at various control points like purchases, recruitment, etc.
    • Analyse budget performance in real-time and take informed decisions

    Management Accounting

    • Define Analytic Accounts, record transactions under those accounts and track live performance..
    • Analyse profit/Loss for each accounts in real-time environment.
    • Ability to add multiple accounts for single transaction.

    Bookkeeping & Closure

    • Maintain Accounts by defining service areas, ledgers, taxes, bank accounts, budgets, payment terms, etc.
    • View Financial transactions in fe clicks and drill down to see details and origin

    Consolidation & Reporting

    • Ability to generate legal and financial reports with ability to filter and drill-down capability

    Our Solution for Human Resources

    Workforce Management

    • Organizations are liable to monetary cycles. They are relied upon to convey on their promise to their investors independent of economic situations. In a down swing, organizations are compelled to cut costs, work with reduced staff. Among the numerous levers that organizations would need to use to accomplish their objectives, Workforce Management is a basic part.

    Recruitment Management

    • End-to-end recruitment management empowers you to rapidly find the best talents in market and maintain long term relationships.
    • Solution manages Job Requirements, recruitment stages, candidate profile, interview planning, candidate assessment and manage offer letters and on-boarding.

    Talent Management

    • Design your talent requirements, construct a solid brand image to attract best talents, ensure smooth and quick integration of new joiners, manage periodic performance evaluation and conduct activities for improving workforce efficiency.

    Payroll & Benefits

    • Payroll Solution allows to create custom salary rules suited to the land and your organization.
    • Ability to define payroll batches, capture attendances, leaves, overtime and loans
    • Generate payslips with approval and reports are per requirements

    Business Benefits of the Solution(erp for educational institutions)

    Improve communication between teachers, parents, and students 

    School management always requires 3-way communication between parents, teachers and students which often lacks in clarity or completeness. The solution allows automated alerts and reports available to parents and students within clicks and can be seen with the convenience of mobile phone.

    Anywhere anytime access

    Cloud based solution offers you flexibility to access your work anytime anywhere in the world. Students can refer learning materials, teachers can check course plans while the administration can access any type of school data.

    Increased daily productivity

    Automation of most school activities allows you to concentrate on activities which requires most attention. Efforts spent on unproductive daily activities like attendance reconciliation or class scheduling becomes a thing of the past. Thus, you’ll be able to improve the efficiency of your day to day tasks.

    Connect multiple departments

    Lack of integration between departments is one of the main challenges many school chains with several franchisees in different locations regularly face. This can affect the efficiency of operations, resource and overall growth of the school in a great deal. Single window access will be available to all locations. 

    Better association of information

    With an incorporated database, an ERP framework will store and sort out your information in a more viable way. From timetable administration to expense accumulation, the framework will record, compose and follow everything for you, ruling out blunders.

    Automate alerts and notifications

    From reminding due installments to guardians, to advising instructors about unapproved leaves to yearly repairs of assets, solution will enable you to make cautions, updates, and notices ahead of time which will take a significant remaining task at hand from your employee’s shoulders.

    Information security

    A good ERP software accompanies great security highlights which will ensure to anchor the information of your association in case of cyber-attacks. Also, the framework will assist you with information recuperating in instances of cataclysmic events or framework breakdowns.

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