Odoo Business Analyst in india

Odoo Business Analyst

Apagen’s odoo business analyst has expertise in recognizing the qualities and shortcomings in your business, creating strong plans for success, and supporting the process of change.

Our industry-driving methodology conveys precise, metrics-based analysis of businesses. We work with all your administration and staff to comprehend and archive how they do their everyday tasks, enabling us to give a free, outer point of view on where changes could be made.

Pain Points Analysis

Anything that obstructs the everyday running of your business can be viewed as a pain point. You might know about yours as of now; you may think of them as shallow. In any case, the truth of the matter is that even the smallest looking issues can end up genuine after some time, harming your efficiency and influencing your bottom line.

Apagen’s specialists(Odoo Business Analyst) will audit the way your organization works from end to end. They will meet your key stakeholders to find out about the difficulties you confront now and are probably going to look face later.

We will recognize your business pain points and their main drivers, creating feasible arrangements that will bolster your business and advance future development.

Our answers can be problematic, expecting changes to your current methods for working. In any case, whatever we recommend – be it an innovation arrangement or an adjustment in technique – we realize that behind each issue is an opportunity and we’ll work with you to discover and follow up on yours, creating arrangements in light of your proposals and our insight.


    Data Quality Assessment

    On the off chance that your information isn’t routinely observed and quality checked, at that point the outcomes can be chaotic. Our information quality evaluation group can discard those issues by offering a target perspective of the issues influencing your business, ensuring the correct information is being caught and detailed against.

    We’ll discuss with your key stakeholders to build up what is turning out badly and why. We will analyse data extracts, examine the procedures behind it, ensure your information is in effect legitimately sifted for pertinence, exactness and criticalness, and we’ll think of another information administration technique.

    It might be important to take a gander at different business process enhancements, preparing and observing – or a straightforward specialized fix may carry out the activity – and we’ll help convey the progressions to every one of your clients, with the goal that your kin realize what you are intending to accomplish and will bolster it.

    Great quality deals information ought to resemble golddust to your association. It should smooth the day by day activity of your business, enhance your edges and raise consumer loyalty.

    Understanding information quality is basic to your long haul achievement in business.

    As Is and To Be Analysis 

    When you’re hoping to rethink or renew your business, it’s immensely critical to survey your current business process, so you can be clear about where your business is presently (as-seems to be) and where you need to take it (to-be).

    Our Odoo Business Analyst will lead an audit of your current procedures, working with you to comprehend the innovation you are presently utilizing, the groups included, how your business is organized and how it works now.

    Archiving your present business state gives a basic establishment from which to fabricate new upgrades or influence business to process changes.

    We are then in a situation to start the more point by point work of building up your key business targets and desires, and additionally the extent of your prerequisites. In the meantime, we’ll ensure your destinations are practical and serviceable, absolutely focused on and obviously imparted, with the full help of your key partners.

    Key business investigation is the way to building up a reasonable and useful arrangement for overcoming any issues – moving from your present plan of action to your objective plan of action.

    Enabling Technology Implementation

    A good business analyst can have the effect amongst progress and disappointment on a confounded ERP Implementation Project.

    We’ll work with your key teams and officials to figure the business vision for your venture, distinguishing the necessities, conveying them to your business partners and making an interpretation of them into something the improvement group can work with.

    With extensive experience of overseeing business change extends, our advisors will ensure your new innovation resources are legitimately executed. We’ll additionally mentor and bolster your clients on the new procedures and different changes

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