Odoo Healthcare

Introduction About Odoo Healthcare ERP

Odoo Healthcare providers all over the world are struggling to achieve two objective: quality patient care and cost reduction. To this end, healthcare institutions are interested to invest more in upgrading their Odoo Hospital Management system to better the accessibility and quality of patient care. Additionally, bringing down clinical errors and increasing healthcare providers productivity are key motivations to adopt Odoo Healthcare solutions.

The regular influx of patents and several technologies made it essential for hospitals and other healthcare institutions to integrate patient database with crucial information on employees and doctors. Doctors and clinicians require real-time information on their patients’ diagnostic reports to facilitate the communication and make their treatment and therapies more effective. Additionally, different departments in hospitals require automated solutions to integrate their core services, support services and back-office operations. Cutting down operational cost and overhead is one of the key motivations for adopting Odoo healthcare solution. It is vitally important to streamline information across laboratory system, radiology, pharmacy, picture archiving, (PACS) patients’ electronic medical records (EMRs) and communication system. On the other hand, patients get access to the consolidated information of their medical reports to timely schedule the appointments and instantly make decisions.


    Industry Challenges

    Adopting Better Practices

    • Constant urge to induce professionalism and best practices in the industry as patients become demanding
    • Adopt the latest trends in terms of technology and acumen in order to retain customer loyalty.

    Better Patient care

    • Measuring the quality of treatment is the technology involved in offering it
    • When it comes to treatment there should not be more than minor discrepancies among hospitals that are off at the same standards.

    Operational Costs

    • Getting all departments work together and centralizing information
    • Reducing overheads from different departments


    • Odoo Healthcare ERP offeres extensive features to address core concerns of Healthcare Industry
    • Our Odoo Hospital Management System is a collection of healthcare specific business process templates to provide the right solution along with focus on patient care & increasing efficiency

    Odoo Healthcare ERP Solution for Hospital Administration

    Electronic Medical Record

    Integrated patient viewer that provides a cross-disciplinary where a patient-focused view of clinical information resident in Clinical Data Repository is provided.

    Patient Administration

    Handles all functions like registrations, admissions, discharges, transfers and patient appointment scheduling for visits, admissions and investigations

    Maintenance Services

    • Laundry
    • Housekeeping
    • Ambulance
    • Equipment
    • Laboratories


    Tracks Complaints, enquiries and complaints in easy to manage Helpdesk Module and keep track of tickets with status to give customer a great experience of interaction.

    Patient Billing

    The Patient Billing System provides the hospital with a comprehensive facility to track all charges for a patient from the point of registration to the point of discharge / completion of a visit.


    • Legal & Health compliance as per regulations of local authorities
    • Regular Audits

    Odoo Healthcare ERP Solution for Patient Care

    Coordination for Diagnostics and Treatment

    Make the best decisions in patient care through complete information availability in real time.

    Clinical Order and OR Management

    Help ensure timeliness of patient care through in-time, on-time service for every clinical situation.

    Mobile Electronic Medical Record

    Integrate and analyze patient data with a mobile, electronic medical record.

    Patient Access

    Integrate patient scheduling and patient registration processes.

    Healthcare Coding

    Help ensure best reimbursement and insight into costs by accurately recording all services rendered.

    Patient Billing

    Enable automatic reuse of patient and treatment data for invoice creation and distribution of billable items to correct payers.

    Odoo Healthcare ERP Solution for Procurement

    Procurement and Materials Management

    Enables end-to-end sourcing and procurement by connecting spend analysis, on-demand strategic sourcing and contract management, and operational procurement.

    Vendor Management

    Enable core sourcing of multiple levels of suppliers, partners, and manufacturers to perform altogether in delivering care to patients

    Odoo Healthcare ERP Solution for Finance

    Manage Financial Performance

    Managing financial and operational performance helps companies for accurate insight into costing, improved financial planning and forecasting.

    Treasury and Financial Risk Management

    Ensure enough cash liquidity to fund business operations.

    Accounting and Financial Close

    Run accounting and financial, close processes faster, more accurate, more compliance and less costly

    Odoo Healthcare ERP Solution for Human Resources

    Core HR and Payroll

    Enables organizations to support and automate processes that allow them to support the entire employee lifecycle from hire to retire for a global workforce.

    Talent Management

    Enables organizations to attract, recruit, appraise, develop and retain the best talent available.

    Business Benefits of the Odoo Hospital Management System

    Better Patient Care

    An odoo hospital management system helps healthcare providers to provide the patients with remote access to crucial databases and reports. This also helps the patients to make informed and prompt decision regarding treatment. An advanced automated software makes planning subsequent tests and medical procedures easier. ERP solution ensures the availability of crucial patient information across multiple systems.

    Reduces Operational Cost

    Odoo Hospital Management System as a part of IT automation software can result in process efficiencies. ERP brings various functions, such as accounts, finance, human resources and brings them under one common database. It helps to optimize different back-end operations such as payroll management, accounts management and inventory management.

    Streamline Healthcare Processes

    This is achieved by integrating core services such as patient registration, managing electronic medical records, radiology department, OPD and emergency

    Financial Planning

    An Odoo Hospital Management Software ensures payments from various managed care providers are reasonable, leading to a win-win situation for providers and payers. This also helps in maintaining profitability in healthcare institutions along with affordable patient care.

    Adopting Best Practices

    Healthcare institutions can efficiently manage all policies and procedures pertaining to member benefits, claims, enrollment, and provider’s networks, which keeps them updated with best industry’s practices.

    Patient Safety

    An Odoo Hospital Management software enables healthcare providers to enhance safety by making the communication between the clinicians and patients transparent. An interactive ERP is considered by numerous institutions as an organizational mandate for bringing patient safety culture.

    Solution at a Glance

    Odoo CRM or Odoo Healthcare CRM module intends to assist sales team and intelligently manage enquiries, leads phone calls, opportunities and e-mails. All cardinal tasks such as identification, communication, assignment, prioritization, resolution, assignment and notification can be effortlessly managed with Odoo CRM application.

    Key Features

    • Trace Leads & Opportunities – Manage your sales team, sales funnel and monitor your best leads and opportunities up to the sales order.
    • Sales Team – Organize Sales in different teams, sales executives, categories for better analysis and management. Helps to forecast and calculate sales performance
    • Sales Activities – Schedule Sale activities such as phone calls, proposals or meetings and ling it with relevant leads and opportunities to see follow-up at a glance.
    • Social Media Integrations– We empowered Odoo CRM by integration with Justdial, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, VOIP Telephony and many more.
    • Plan Meetings & Phone call – Follow-up is always a time taking and painstaking process which can be done easily with Odoo CRM. Additionally, you can also share calender of meetings, sales task, logs of calls etc.
    • Acquire Leads – Odoo CRM provides website integration forms, an email gateway and plugins to generate leads through web-services.
    • Run Marketing Campaigns – Automate your lead processing using marketing campaigns that automate emails or paper mails.
    • Get Real-time Statistics – Get precise forecasts with the Odoo CRM business intelligence engine to size up your sales activities. Flexible reporting options with pivot and graphical views and with all possible filters and groups.
    • Helpdesk – Track Complaints, enquiries and complaints in easy to manage Helpdesk Module and keep track of tickets with status to give customer a great experience of interaction.
    • Alerts & Notifications – Get timely alerts and notifications for urgent activities, follow-ups, MIS reports or inactivity on leads.

    Odoo sales module of Odoo Healthcare ERP intends to augment Sales Team capabilities to intelligently and efficiently manage orders, quotations and customer master.

    Key Features

    • Professional Quotations – Generate complete and clean quotations with product descriptions, page breaks on email with online acceptance.
    • Contract Management – Generate recurring contracts based on time and materials and generate invoices phase wise, maintain renewal and upselling opportunities.
    • Pricelists – Maintain various pricelist for products according to customer category, country and other parameters.
    • E-Commerce Connectors – Get connected to popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon & eBay to seamlessly track sales in one application
    • Discounts & Approvals – Manage multiple discounting policies and order approvals based on business dynamics
    • Integrated with CRM & Inventory – Seamlessly integrated with CRM & Inventory module to efficiently link various processes and provide real time status on orders
    • Get Real-time Statistics – Get precise forecasts with the Odoo CRM business intelligence engine to size up your sales activities. Flexible reporting options with pivot and graphical views and with all possible filters and groups.
    • Helpdesk – Track Complaints, enquiries and complaints in easy to manage Helpdesk Module and keep track of tickets with status to give customer a great experience of interaction.
    • Alerts & Notifications – Get timely alerts and notifications for urgent activities, follow-ups, MIS reports

    Odoo Purchase module facilitates the Purchase Team to manage procurement of raw material, supplier master and purchase orders efficiently and intelligently.

    Key Features

    • Purchase Automation – Automatically Generate RFQ’s & Purchase Orders based on stock levels, logistic rules, sales orders, forecast manufacturing orders, etc.
    • Contract Management – Generate recurring vendor contracts based on time and materials and generate invoices phase wise, maintain renewal.
    • Pricelists – Import Suppliers’ price lists and references to make quick purchase decisions based on promotions, quantities and special contract conditions.
    • Purchase Tenders – Create Call for Bids for purchases to see vendor offers at a glance, compare quotes and choose the vendor using informed decision process.
    • Purchase Agreement – Buy goods from a supplier at a pre-negotiated price, on a recurring basis during a specific period.
    • Approvals – Order Approval process based on amount or product category as per company’s hierarchy
    • Integrated with Sales, Inventory & Billing – Seamlessly integrated with Sales, Inventory & Billing module to efficiently link various processes and provide real time status on orders
    • Get Real-time Statistics – Get precise forecasts on vendor’s performance for delivery delays, negotiated discounts on prices, quantities purchased. Flexible reporting options with pivot and graphical views and with all possible filters and groups.
    • Alerts & Notifications – Get timely alerts and notifications for urgent activities, follow-ups, MIS reports

    This one of its kind app enables to manage the Purchase Team intelligently and efficiently manages procurement of raw material, purchase order and supplier master.

    Key Features

    • Product Management – Create product and keep track of them by categories and inventory levels.
    • Control Reception – Just click on a location and attain a thorough inventory analysis, for a specified period with the inventory control.
    • Control Delivery – Automatically create delivery order and update inventory as per sales order.
    • Trace Your Stock Moves – Track all past and future inventory transaction. List facilities transaction from one location to another location.
    • Never Run Out of Stock – With minimum stock rule you have automatic order with the right quantity to get the maximum specified level.
    • Drop shipping – Dropship Management allow you to dropship directly to your customer’s place.
    • Inventory Valuation & Inventory Adjustment – Automatic valuate inventory and manually Inventory adjustment.
    • Lot & serial No – Track product with lot and serial number.
    • Multiple Warehouse/Locations – Manage multiple warehouse and multiple location in a warehouse.
    • Stock Management & Reordering Rules – Manage Stocks and Predefine rules for procuremen
    • Incoterms – Different type of incoterms for delivery of product.
    • Integrated with Sales, Purchase & Billing – Seamlessly integrated with Sales, Purchase & Billing module to efficiently link various processes and provide real time status on orders.
    • Integration with UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS
    • Barcode Support
    • Alerts & Notifications – Get timely alerts and notifications for urgent activities, follow-ups, MIS reports.

    This module is an integrated patient viewer that provides a cross-disciplinary where a patient-focused view of clinical information resident in Clinical Data Repository is provided.

    Key Features

    Health Record

    The module will have the following capabilities:

    • Ability to capture SOAP (Subject Objective Assessment & Plan)
    • Ability to capture diagnosis with codes and status
    • Ability to automatically generate and present treatment and discharge summaries
    • Ability to capture outcomes
    • Ability to make entries that are classified as being Critical Care Data (CCD) that may be visible to anyone – this information must be deemed to be critical for the survival of the patient and the lack of which may contribute directly towards fatal consequences for the patient
    • Ability to generate, preview and print treatment summaries in OPD and discharge summaries in IPD/A&E settings

    Prescription Management

    The module will have the following capabilities:

    • Prescription based auto scheduling of medications
    • Manual scheduling of medications
    • Dosage details with instructions
    • Set Alarm/reminders for medications
    • Record medication “taken”
    • Patient Education Content for prescribed medications
    • Show Active and Past Medications
    • Medication report – for a period or for a medication

    The Pharmacy Management System will keep track of drugs-related and other disposable items that have a definite expiry date. The system will maintain balances and a transaction history for each medication item including cost and suppliers.

    Movements will be input manually and automatically from the sales/purchase order processing systems and transfer requests would automatically update stock balances. Stock would be valued on any of the following basis FIFO, weighted average and LIFO when a stock line is created the standard cost will be input. An issue note would optionally be printed for all issues. There would be no restriction on the number of stores held on the system. There would be no restriction on the number of bin locations held on the system.

    The various services under the Pharmacy Management System module are given below:

    • Demand
    • Management/Indenting
    • Drug Dispensing
    • Drug Receipts
    • Process Monitoring
    • Stock Management
    • Interfacing

    The investigation services take care of all system critical information related to investigations that has a patient context. It ensures that proper care is delivered to the right patient by the right people after proper evaluation and assessment of the patient’s condition that can only be ascertained through investigations carried out in specialized laboratories and units and reporting them to the care provider to as high degree of accuracy as is possible under the current circumstances.


    The Pathology module of the Laboratory Information System module is to be used in the Pathology Department, serving the needs of the Inpatients, Outpatients, Emergency Departments and Operation Theatres.

    All observations will use LOINC (Logical Observations Identifier Names and Codes) codes wherever applicable. All diagnosis will be coded using ICD10 when the former is not found to be satisfactorily able to address the correct diagnosis. The various services under the module are given below:

    • Services
    • Ordering
    • Collection Lists
    • Specimen Registration
    • Work lists
    • Results Entry
    • Results Verification
    • Results Reporting
    • Charging


    The Microbiology module of the Laboratory Information System module is to be used in the Pathology Department, serving the needs of the Inpatients, Outpatients, Emergency Departments and Operation Theatres.

    All observations will use LOINC (Logical Observations Identifier Names and Codes) codes wherever applicable. All diagnosis will be coded using ICD10 when the former is not found to be satisfactorily able to address the correct diagnosis. The various services under the module are given below:

    • Services
    • Ordering
    • Collection Lists
    • Specimen Registration
    • Work lists
    • Results Entry
    • Results Verification
    • Results Reporting
    • Charging

    Biochemistry, Hematology & Serology

    This module of the Laboratory Information System module is to be used in the Pathology Department, serving the needs of the Inpatients, Outpatients, Emergency Departments and Operation Theatres.

    All observations will use LOINC (Logical Observations Identifier Names and Codes) codes wherever applicable. All diagnosis will be coded using ICD10 when the former is not found to be satisfactorily able to address the correct diagnosis. The various services under the module are given below:

    • Services
    • Ordering
    • Collection Lists
    • Specimen Registration
    • Work lists
    • Results Entry
    • Results Verification
    • Results Reporting
    • Charging

    Radio-Diagnostic Information System

    The Radiology system will cater to all the requirements of the Radiology Department: it provides for scheduling of appointments for examinations, examination registration, results reporting, entry of post examination information, and film tracking.

    The system would interface to the Pharmacy Management and Inventory Control applications to update the consumption details directly. The various services under the module are given below:

    • Radio-diagnostic Setup
    • Appointments
    • Investigations
    • Results Reporting
    • Post-investigation
    • Management
    • Film Tracking
    • Charging
    • Queries & Reports

    Blood Bank Management System

    The Blood Bank Management System module will cater for the management of all donor records, bloodstock, laboratory, inventory and patient-related operations for Blood Bank.

    The system would interface with the Inventory Control, Patient Billing, Order Management, and Nursing Information System applications to update the consumption details directly. The various services under the module are given below:

    • Donor Management
    • Blood Stock Management
    • Laboratory Operations
    • Charging
    • Local Inventory Management

    The Patient Billing System provides the hospital with a comprehensive facility to track all charges for a patient from the point of registration to the point of discharge / completion of a visit.

    Accounts and Billing

    • Charge Masters
    • OPD Billing
    • OP Services Billing
    • Emergency Room Billing
    • Day care Billing
    • IP Billing
    • Revenue Cycle Management

    The various services under the Patient Billing module are given below

    • Bed Charges
    • Billing
    • Payments Management
    • Investigation charges

    Get empowered to manage all your financial activities in one place and record your operations in a few clicks. Financial operations have been made easier with “Finance & Accounts” module.

    Key Features

    • Invoice Control – Enter the right information (quantity, price, customer name, etc.) and click print. Your invoice is done! Get clear visibility of invoices awaiting from your supplier, control and validate them without re-encoding.
    • Payment Tracking – Keep track of invoices to pay, record your customer and supplier payment and reconcile them automatically.
    • Customers Follow up – Email or print directly from Odoo follow-ups on your invoices for your customers. Set-up and automate follow-ups to get a periodical financial overview and get paid quickly.
    • Easy reconciliation – Odoo helps you to easily reconcile invoices and payments using the manual approach or the automated wizard.
    • Smart User Interface – As an accountant, you need to be able to record a set of operations in just a few minutes.
    • Easy Payment Management – Reconcile invoices easily with payments through bank interfaces and check handling and printing.
    • Integrated Analytic Accounting – Get your analytic accounting operations integrated with timesheets, projects, invoices, warehouse, etc.
    • Multi-Currency – Unlimited currencies supported with daily automatic updates of currency rates.
    • Multi-company – Get your consolidated trial balance and consolidate statistics in real time.
    • Invoice Analysis – Get a quick overlook on your key performance indicators and use our reporting tools to analyse your performance.
    • Dashboard & KPIs – Get customizable real time statistics with drill-up, drill-down, filter, drill-across data.
    • Alerts & Notifications – Get timely alerts and notifications for urgent activities, follow-ups, MIS reports.

    This is yet another powerful module of Odoo which allows you manage the most powerful  asset in your company “People”. With “Human Resource Management” module you will be able to effortlesly manage time tracking, leave, payroll, attendance, expenses, recruitment and periodic evaluations. 

    Key Features

    • Employee Register – Enter all essential data on your employees and oversee all important information in your company address book.
    • Recruitment – Keep track of the recruitment process to facilitate evaluation. Search and browse through your CV base and request for hiring.
    • Joining/On-Boarding – Provide a great welcome to employee with Joining / On-Boarding Process with status tracking for each activity
    • Asset Allocation – Manage Employee assets, track by employee, serial number and asset category
    • Attendance Management – Record timesheets, check time spent on tasks, control your employees and project costs.
    • Expense Reimbursement – Get rid of the paper work and follow expenses directly into Odoo. Easy validation, reimbursement and re-invoicing.
    • Leave Management – Employees enter their requests (paid holidays, sick leave, etc), for managers to approve and validate.
    • Performance Evaluation – Set-up evaluation plans for your employees and watch their evolution. Define steps with interviews and keep track of the progress.
    • Exit Management – Manage the exit process of employee with complete tracking of all processes in real-time.
    • Training Management – Manage employee’s training request, trainings conducted, and results derived therein.
    • Reporting – Giving you a comprehensive overview of your employees’ timesheet and leaves in one single dashboard.
    • Payroll – Maintain data of all the employees in your organization, generate salary slips, manage contracts, get customized reports
    • Alerts & Notifications – Get timely alerts and notifications for urgent activities, follow-ups, MIS reports
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