odoo facebook integration

Odoo facebook integration

Lead adverts provides you a platform wherein you can better connect with potential customers as they have an option to sign up for what you are offering and you will receive accurate contact information to follow up with them.

When potential customers see your advert on Facebook and want to seek more information or want to place request for something like newsletters, test drives, product demos, price estimates etc, they need to sign up.

Once customers click your Lead advert, a form will pop up with basic information about them already filled in that they have shared with Facebook – such as their name, e-mail address or number.

The form is mobile-device friendly and designed for the least amount of typing possible. So customers can instantly connect with you and provide you accurate, actionable information so that you can contact them.

The power of Lead adverts

The reason why Lead adverts saw its birth is that people are now spending more time on their mobile devices than ever before and Lead adverts provide them convenient platform to connect with businesses, wherever they are.

Faced by burgeoning competition, marketers keep finding new innovative ways to reach potential customers and with the Facebook advert targeting, you can reach people who are most likely to turn into your customers as they submit your form. Lead adverts help you reach high-quality leads on Facebook.


    Problem Situation

    When we run a campaign on Facebook, whatever the leads that are generated through the campaign can be downloaded in CSV format. For every campaign, separate CSV file needs to be downloaded and then leads are distributed among the executives manually.

    In a B2C environment, any lead that is generated, looses its value if the response time is higher. The manual distribution and the delay in responding the leads negatively impact the business.

    Integrating with Odoo (CRM)

    On integrating the Marketing Lead Ads of Facebook with Odoo CRM, the leads are provided by the Facebook on the real time basis. The basic information asked in the question of the Lead ad is directly synced with the CRM Leads record. This helps in capturing the important data in the proper visual format and create a proper Lead Management system. This also helps in assigning the leads through proper channel and divert it to the proper team based on the geographical location, department or language basis.


    With the help of the integration of Facebook Lead Ads with the Odoo CRM on a real time basis, our clients were able to cut down the response time which resulted in increase of the overall revenue. The Sales Executives were able to quickly contact with the lead and convert them into customers.

    The performance of the executives increase manifold times with the integration of Facebook Lead Ads with Odoo CRM as they are exempted from the task of managing the leads and do their actual task which is to convert the leads into meaningful sales. With the same team of Sales Executives, now our clients were able to cover more leads as the over the period of time, with the further integration of Progressive dialing using Cloud agent, the Revenue increased over 400% in a short span of five months.

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