odoo mentorship training

Benefits that odoo mentorship training program offers to an organisation can play down its importance. So, Earlier the companies used to seek the help of Odoo ERP consultants for Odoo services. But, now when Odoo ERP has become indispensable , enterprises want to build their in-house team of Odoo developers. And Now, with increasing number of companies those want to build their in-house team of Odoo developers, Apagen has started a odoo training program of three months duration for preparing technocrats. So, they can easily implement Odoo followed by odoo mentorship training in their organisation and be able to fix all the problems pertaining to Odoo that crop up in the future by Odoo training.

Salient Features of Training Program

Understanding of Odoo Environment 

Linux: Basic Architecture, Basic Commands. Python: Basics of Python programming – So List, Tuples, Dictionary, Looping, Conditional statements, Classes, Methods, Functions, Python Package. Advance concepts in Python programming – and Understanding Instances in Python, Decorators, Python Virtual Environment, Python Package Index, setup.py. Vim. Code management using Git. but Coding standards and best practices in coding. odoo mentorship training

Introduction to Odoo ERP Framework

Understanding Odoo Architecture, Setting up Odoo for Production and Development, Creating a new database, Installing Odoo Modules, Overview of Odoo Modules.

Be a part of Odoo training program!

    Introduction to Odoo ERP Modules

    Creating a new module: Understanding basic fields such as char, integer, float, boolean, selection, date, datetime, time, timestamp, text, binary, and GUI items such as form view, tree view, actions, menus. Understanding Fields: Relations – Many2One, One2Many, Many2Many, Function Fields, Reference Fields.

    Understanding the use of debuggers in Python and learning the debugging techniques in Odoo. Using postgresql to understand Odoo working. odoo mentorship training really helps you.

    Advance concepts of Odoo ERP Modules

    Buttons, On Change, Domains, Inheritance, Overriding ORM Methods, Wizards, Constraints, Raising Errors and handling exceptions, Security and User Access Controls, Creating Reports.

    Odoo Integration

    Understanding Controllers, Writing APIs for Odoo, Advance concepts in GUI. Writing scripts using XML-RPC for data patching.

    Apagen intends to raise an army of professionals having profound knowledge of Odoo who can be employed in an organisation to meet all the challenges pertaining to Odoo. odoo mentorship training

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