Odoo technical Training

Why we need Odoo Training?

Today businesses are technology-driven and no company can succeed without technology. It has become a thing of past to expect business-alive and run without investing in technology. In fact, a host of daily company wide manual activities can be best managed with Odoo ERP Solution. Be it Accounts & Finance, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing or any other department of an organization. None of them are away from technology enablement. No department of any business vertical can perform without proper internal information flow with full accuracy. And this can only be possible by implementing ERP in any organization by getting yourself enabled with Odoo Training. We provide Odoo training for fresher who all can build their career in helping growing companies by becoming their employees or associates.

Odoo ERP can incredibly ease the task of both organization and their customers. It has significantly brought down their dependencies on each other. With the help of Odoo ERP we can achieve good accuracy level in our Stocks, Processes, Production, Project Management, Payroll, Financial Accounting and so on. Companies those have accepted Odoo ERP training for fresher are growing well with full sustainable approach. So, Odoo has become absolutely necessary for all kind of businesses.

As Odoo is highly capable opensource ERP, it gained a lot popularity with the time in almost every business vertical. People having good knowledge of Odoo ERP training can not only make a good career but also would be able to cater to the needs of the businesses. 10 days Odoo training to the freshers will enable them to help any kind of business vertical.

Candidates having interest in software programming in any language are qualified to attend this Odoo technical training program.


    Salient Features of Odoo Training Program

    Understanding Environment (2 days)

    Linux: Basic Architecture, Basic Commands of Python: Basics of Python programming.
    – List, Tuples, Dictionary, Looping, Conditional statements, Classes, Methods, Functions, Python Package. Advance concepts in Python programming.
    – Understanding Instances in Python, Decorators, Python Virtual Environment, Python Package Index, setup.py

    Introduction to Odoo Framework (1 day)

    Understanding Odoo Architecture, Setting up Odoo for Production and Development, Creating a new database, Installing Odoo Modules, Overview of Odoo Modules.

    Introduction to Odoo Modules (4 days)

    Creating a new Odoo module:
    Understanding basic fields such as.
    – char, integer, float, Boolean, selection, date, date time, time, timestamp, text, binary, and GUI items such as form view, tree view, calendar., actions, menus.
    Understanding Fields: Relations
    – Many2One, One2Many, Many2Many., Function Fields, Reference Fields.

    Advance concepts of Odoo Modules -1 (3 days)

    Buttons, On Change, Domains, Inheritance, Overriding ORM Methods

    Advance concepts of Odoo Modules -2 (3 days)

    Wizards, Constraints, Raising Errors and handling exceptions, Security and User Access Controls., Creating Reports, Cron Jobs

    Integrating Odoo (2 days)

    Understanding XML-RPC, Controller, Writing APIs for Odoo, Advance concepts in GUI.

    By this course Odoo training for fresher, you will get a good understanding of Odoo customizations. You will also be able to help any business to get their ERP customized as per their business needs with the skills you have acquired. Everything that is gaining ground in the field of Odoo will also be revealed to you which in-turn going to enhance your confidence. Your chances of committing mistakes while Odoo implementation will reduce to zero. The time you take to fix your problem will be significantly reduced. Apagen Oodo ERP support  help your business to grow. The service includes as odoo functional support and odoo technical support, bug fixing.

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