Get in touch with your customers and improve your business with Odoo ERP for survey management

It is important to stay in touch with your customers after they have purchased your product or service in order to ensure that they come back to you in the future too. However, it can be both tricky as well as perplexing to turn your customers into loyal customers and you need to have a proper strategy to achieve this. With odoo erp for survey management you can achieve this goal very easily.

Send them a survey!

Whenever you purchase anything online, you are sure to receive a “satisfaction survey” few days afterwards. Some brands send such survey as a part of their sales management. Usually, you are asked a few simple questions like “Was the delivery on time?”, “How did you like the product?” etc. Sometimes you answer these surveys, sometimes you ignore. Generally, people don’t mind answering a survey which is short and simple and takes a minute or two of their precious time. On the other hand, when the survey is too long, with complicated questions and open answers, it does not interest readers and they usually close the window or delete the mail.

So, if you are thinking about setting up a satisfaction survey for your own company, you need to ensure two things:

1) That people will actually take the time to fill it in, so make it short, simple and interesting.

2) That the survey results will be actually useful and give you usable data for growth and improvements


    Keep the process in mind

    When you are creating your own survey, you should integrate it with your software, so all the results will be directly analyzed and added into your system. ( don’t end up with hundreds lines of data in a messy sheet!)

    There are few steps for creating a good survey:
    1. Design your survey
    2. Test your survey
    3. Share your survey
    4. Collect data and statistics from your survey

    Make it count!

    If you want to make your survey a huge success, make sure that maximum number of people participate in your survey, offer them something! The possibilities are endless. If someone participates in the survey, you can offer free delivery on their next purchase. Or you can extend an extra month of service with 50% discount. Or, if you want to make it bigger, you can enter people who Or, if you want to make it bigger, you can enter people who complete the survey into a prize draw with a cool prize (laptop, phone, plane ticket, etc). You can be sure that with such special offer, more surveys will be completed.

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